How I Learned To Be Humble

The single most important lesson I learned from a decade of burning bridges and eating crow, and how I learned it

Cal Chan
5 min readJul 15, 2020
Photo by Hisu lee on Unsplash

“I know you won’t care,” she told me, “but now I know why nobody likes you.” These were the parting words of one of my few friends in college, to whom I lost contact with, and to whom I am eternally grateful.

Those words marked a watershed moment for me, where the armor I wore to hide my depression broke, leaving me vulnerable and exposed. I didn’t change overnight, and after decades I still have a ways to go, but since that moment and moving forward I have worked on my personal concept of humility.

Working on humility has enabled me to continually grow. Remembering that my opinion is one of many has made me more open to critique and collaboration. Putting myself in other people’s shoes has enabled me to grow to places I couldn’t have imagined as a self-centered, negative egoist.

If there is one secret to success I can share, it is this: everything I’m most proud of has come from understanding the value of humility, and living as humbly as possible.

The Old Me: Self-Centered And Insecure

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